1 University Compulsory Subject Code Semester Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 English ENGL 222211   10
2 Computer Network & IT Security CNIS 2        2
3 Applied Statistics MATH  2       2
4 Research Methodology RESM  2       2
5 Environment Sciences ENVI   2      2
6 Civics CIVI    2     2
7 Ethics and Religious Philosophy ETRP     2    2
8 Innovation & Product Development PROD     2    2
9 E-Commerce ECOM      2   2
10 Indonesian Language & Culture IDLC      2   2
11 Pancasila PANC      2   2
12 Oral Final Study Examination (OFSE) OFSE      0   0
13 Research Semester RESS       6  6
14 Internship / Project INSP        3 3
15 Thesis / Thesis Defence THES        6 6
Total University Compulsory Subject 46445769 45

2 Faculty Compulsory Subject Code Semester Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Business Management 1 BUM1 2        2
2 Business Management 2 BUM2  2       2
3 Economics 1 ECO1 2        2
4 Economics 2 ECO2  2       2
5 Accounting 1 ACC1 2        2
6 Accounting 2 ACC2  2       2
7 Corporate Finance COFI     4    4
8 Organizational Behaviour & Devel. ORBD     3    3
9 Marketing Management 1 MAM1 2        2
10 Marketing Management 2 MAM2  2       2
11 Business Communication BCOM 2        2
12 Human Resource Management 1 HRM1    3     3
13 Philosophy PHIL 2        2
14 Analytical & Creative Thinking ANCT  2       2
15 Management Information Systems MINS      2   2
16 Indonesian Taxation System IDTS     3    3
17 Strategic Management STMT      3   3
18 Law 1 LAW1    2     2
19 Law 2 LAW2     2    2
Total Faculty Compulsory Subject 12100512500 44

*) 0 SKS for INR
***) Exclude for HTM

3 Dept. Compulsory Subject Code Semester Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Management Theory & Sociology MGSO 3        3
2 International History HISO  3       3
3 Political Science 1: General POL1 3        3
4 Political Science 2: Indonesian Politics POL2  3       3
5 Political Science 3: International Politics POL3   3      3
6 Political Science 4: Comparative Politics POL4  3       3
7 International Relations 1: General INR1 3        3
8 International Relations 2: Theories of Int. Relations INR2   3      3
9 International Relations 3: Diplomacy INR3   3      3
10 International Relations 4: Foreign Policy Analysis INR4   3      3
11 International Relations 5: International Political Economy INR5   3      3
12 International Relations 6: Ind. Foreign Policy and Diplomacy INR6     3    3
13 International Relations 7: Regionalism INR7   3      3
14 Organization 1: Int. Regimes and Organizations ORG1    3     3
15 Organization 2: NGOs and Dev. Studies ORG2     3    3
16 Organization 3: ASEAN and EU Studies ORG3      3   3
17 Specialized Subject 1: Gender and Int. Relations SPE1     3    3
18 Specialized Subject 2: Security Studies SPE2     3    3
19 Specialized Subject 3: Political Communications and the Media SPE3      3   3
20 Specialized Subject 4: Social Psychology SPE4   2      2
21 Research / Project: Seminar (Pre-thesis) RES0      2   2
22 Elective Subjects Allocation ELE2    822   12
Total Dept. Compulsory Subject 992011141000 73

Compulsory Subjects / Semester Total
1 + 2 + 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
25 25 24 20 31 22 6 9 162

Electives Code Semester Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 German Language 1 EGL1 222222   12
2 German Language 2 EGL2       22 4
3 Mandarin or Business Arabic EMAA   1222   7
4 Elective Subjects INR EINR          0
5 Global Environmental Politics and Policy GEPP    2     2
6 Political Economy of Resources PERE      2   2
7 Globalization of Information, Media and Society GIMS    2     2
8 Government, Business and Society GOBS     2    2
9 Public Diplomacy PUDI    2     2
10 Peace and Conflict Studies PECS          0
11 Technology and Global Affairs TGAF    2     2
Total Electives 223126622 35